Did you ever think to become a brand ambassador for hartmud? Well besides our Specialty coffeeshop partners who use our rare hard German stoneware daily for serving their coffee treasures and are naturally ambassadors of our quality and usability, the title of brand ambassador for individuals is almost exclusively reserved for Instagram. Instagram is our main tool for displaying our collection and sharing information and moods on our brand, design and work process, and there is a good chance that our non-coffeeshop related clients will have discovered the hartmud brand on Instagram. On the other side of the medal you will have noticed that Instagram is full of brand ambassadors, everywhere – and being a virtual platform you are not able to touch and test the products these ambassadors are so proudly presenting. Instagram is also full of fake content that just exists to attract more followers and is devoid of any further meaning. So how do we as a brand and you as a coffee aficionado get the real thing out of the virtual? The key is devotion to the real thing versus letting yourself being enchanted by the virtual mirage.
As a micro brand to us instagram is a vital means to communicate with our small but loyal client base, so we are definitely in for the real thing: displaying our products in trustworthy fashion that holds true to the real settings where our stoneware will be used. Here the ambassador comes in.
To us a hartmud ambassador is not for sale, nor is he a ronin who swaps his ambassadorship if another brand sends him more cups more often. Imagine the ambassador of a country who changes his tag and flag if another country gives him a bigger house to live in. No sorry, that’s not the way it works.
Our ambassadors are long term hardcore hartmud clients who started buying into our collection on their own behalf, for their own taste and with their own money. Add a special touch for photograph and we might be a match.
That is the way of true ambassadorship: the brand cannot just buy into it, and the ambassador cannot just get the tag out of nothing. It has to be earned – from both sides.
You love a brand, you love its philosophy, you swear by their products and recommend them to your friends, then the chance is good that you are selected when we see that you post high quality content, unique mood pictures or stunning product pictures.
And no thank you to the so called influencers who only boast with their 100.000 or 1 million followers and whose main purpose is to attract even more followers. That’s a big part of instagram: follow me and I follow you. But what for? Is this a virtual reality game of finding virtual followers? These chaps don’t even know our product, never had a Lotus150 in their hand, and probably photoshop their latte art anyway, so please stop asking for „collaboration“.
We love our fan base who use social media for inspiration and exchanging moods and knowledge, and if you are a seasoned client having invested in our wares and you have a good hand and eye for picturing them you might be a candidate for ambassadorship.
Yes we are always looking for a good match to enhance the visibility of our micro brand on real terms, because our cups are manufactured to be used in reality, not virtually.
If the chemistry is right we will certainly feel honored to have you on board.
The Ultimate Monogreen Lotus190 is pictured by @wahrebohne who is a hartmud brand ambassador since 2020

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